Cleansing & Caring for the Skin of Little Ones

Cleansing & Caring for the Skin of Little Ones

Surely, all mothers are aware that it is imperative to be mindful and attentive when it comes to caring for a child's skin during the first few years. But why is the skin of baby and children so sensitive and susceptible to external influences? Even though the skin has a high water content, its moisture level is minimal and the surface lipid concentration is lower than that of an adults. Therefore, the epidermal barrier is vulnerable when it comes to chemical and microbial irritations. It is essential to care for the skin in order to prevent external influences from destabilizing the skin's balance. 

Unlike their synthetic counterparts, the natural sponges by Cose della Natura are 

  1. hypoallergenic 
  2. antiseptic (this means that they are immune to an increase in bacteria and fungi)
  3. soft 
  4. easy to clean
  5. not chemically processed.

Furthermore, the sponge merely needs to be thoroughly rinse before its next use to restore its shape again. Very little cleansing products are required when bathing, due to the sponge having the ability to form rich foam, that in turn is beneficial to the skin. 

Be sure care for your child's skin in the best way possible with only the highest quality of natural substances. This ensures that the cellular development phase is properly formed and remains strong for the rest of their lives.